A type of headache called cervico-occipital pain, or occipital neuralgia, is characterized by piercing, throbbing, or shock-like sensations in the upper neck, back of the head, and usually only on one side of the head. It is named after the affected occipital nerves that run through the scalp that can become injured or inflamed. You may also notice pain in your scalp, forehead, or behind your eyes. When you experience this type of headache, you may notice it begins in your neck and spreads upwards.
At American Pain Consortium, our board-certified pain management physicians help our patients with the painful symptoms of headaches and achieve symptom relief, often without needing to resort to potentially habit-forming prescription painkillers. We can help you get back to doing what you love. Reach out to our staff today see for help with cervico-occipital pain in Columbus or Indianapolis.
A combination approach may be used to treat occipital neuralgia which may include massage and rest, but antidepressants may be prescribed for severe pain. We also treat these headaches with local nerve blocks and steroid injections administered directly into the affected area. To learn more about how we treat headaches and migraines at American Pain Consortium, please click here.
Contact American Pain Consortium for Cervico-Occipital Pain Treatment in Columbus or Indianapolis