Diabetic neuropathy can be painful and difficult to manage, not to mention having diabetes puts you at risk for many wide-ranging health complications. At American Pain Consortium, our team of board-certified pain management professionals has helped many patients achieve symptom relief from diabetic neuropathy without the need to resort to powerful prescription medicine or surgery. Get back to doing what you love by reaching out to our team today to see a diabetic neuropathy specialist in Columbus or Indianapolis.
Diabetes affects many millions of people worldwide, and this progressive disease stems from chronically high blood sugar levels. About half of those with diabetes will eventually develop peripheral neuropathy according to research from the National Institute of Health, and other research estimates nearly 3 in 4 diabetics develop it. That’s because long-term exposure to high blood sugar irreparably damages your nerves, causing sensory deficits. For example, diabetics are at high risk of not being able to feel the pain of cuts or scrapes on their feet or toes once diabetic neuropathy takes hold. This can lead to disastrous and even life-threatening complications and could necessitate foot or leg amputation should an infection begin to spread.
Diabetes can seriously impede your life and affect your ability to do the things you love to do. That’s why you must manage your diabetes with the help of a physician as the first-line treatment for diabetic neuropathy. At American Pain Consortium, our doctors can help manage your diabetic neuropathy symptoms through the administration of electric cell signaling treatment (ECST) that delivers energy waves to the area where you experience pain, tingling, or numbness to treat it at the source.
When you’re ready to learn more about our diabetic neuropathy treatment, contact our team to book an appointment.