We encourage creativity, improvement, and development with a willingness to learn from our adaptations, even those that are not successful.Together we make a difference by bringing new, meaningful ideas and by pursuing professional growth.

When oral medication and other treatments haven’t effectively managed a patient’s chronic pain, we may recommend an intrathecal pain pump implant. These devices are implanted under the skin and deliver medication directly to the central nervous system, via a catheter along the spine.
People who have complex regional pain syndrome or other types of neuropathic pain may be good candidates for a pain pump implant. At American Pain Consortium, our goal is to use the least invasive treatments and move on to more advanced procedures only if initial treatments are not providing adequate pain relief.
Initially, patients receive an external pump and temporary catheter, so they can determine over the course of a week whether the pump is effectively reducing their pain. If the pump is relieving pain, the next step is a procedure to place a permanent pain pump (about the size of a hockey puck) under the skin and attach it to a permanent catheter. The pumps are programmable and can deliver different dosages of medication throughout the day.
Patients can usually go home the day of their pain pump implant procedure, but they should avoid driving until their follow-up appointment. Some soreness and discomfort is normal following this procedure. Patients should avoid heavy lifting, strenuous activity, and alcohol consumption for at least two weeks (your doctor will provide a full list of restrictions).
People who have chronic pain often try several treatment methods before finding one that works. If you’re struggling with chronic pain, don’t lose hope – a pain pump implant or another type of spinal therapy may be effective in alleviating your symptoms.
Schedule your consultation and contact American Pain Consortium today.
We encourage creativity, improvement, and development with a willingness to learn from our adaptations, even those that are not successful.Together we make a difference by bringing new, meaningful ideas and by pursuing professional growth.